Are you a spiritual hoader?
Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past.19"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness; Isaiah 43:18;
Often times as women we are so polished outwardly, but inwardly still hurt, broken, often times feeling despair but no one would ever know because we are more concern about what others think than we are about being healed. We would rather hide our clutter than to deal with it. We are more concerned about putting up a front than we are dealing with the truth. Walking around being a public success but a private failure all because we refuse to D E C L U T T E R our hearts, homes, visions, and minds. Wanting to start businesses, write books, go to school, create a beautiful home, enjoy our relationships, but our minds are so full of the past, problems, and/or pain that we cannot seem to have clarity and therefore we have no peace!
Webster defines piled as an accumulation of things. There is that word again accumulation. In which we discussed in our first session. Often times we walk around how we feel just to please others. We dare not show our clutter because we have an image to protect and dare anyone to say anything because this is our clutter and we have the right to be a hoarder!
I remember some years ago, someone that I knew asked me to go hang out with them and so I had to meet them at their home. She was a beautiful girl, dressed very well,hair and makeup on point, the latest handbags, fliest shoes, drove a nice car, but when you walked into her home it was nothing short of chaotic. I thought how could she be so comfortable with letting me into her home when there is no where to sit and things are everywhere! When we talked she had so much going on in her life that her home reflected her heart.
How does your home reflect your heart? It is said, 'that home is where the heart is.' Is your heart at home? In your marriage/relationship? etc.
- a. no time to maintain
- b. no organization
- stress
- d. emotional distressed
- e. disconnected
You see, we can allow things in our lives to pile up so much so that we think and believe that it is normal. Well, beauties its not.....We pile up our past, what we had on yesterday, the day before, and the day before that, until now we have an accumulation of things. Piles of emotions, piles of thoughts, and piles, and piles of what someone said! You say well I do clean up and I am neat, but my question to you is this. Are you just as clean inwardly? Do you hold grudges, are you silently angry? Do you feel like you have the right to stay upset for days end?
So what separates a hoarder from a collector? And when does the compulsion become destructive?
The first is the accumulation of things that have little or no value.
- a. Are you holding onto things that no longer matter?
- b. Are you holding onto people who no longer matter?
- c. Are you holding onto what someone said to you, that it should no longer matter?
- d. Do you allow your feelings to pile up until you have an outburst? Meaning are you fussing over something that happened weeks, months, or years ago that your current discussion has nothing to do with it or little value because you are not present in the moment? You are fussing over yesterdays clutter.
- e. Do you get upset, cry, get depressed, or fuss over the little things and make them into much?
The second is the inability to part with things that the hoarder has accumulated.
Are you in a relationship with someone, you said that you forgive them but you keep holding it over their heads?
b.What has piled up in your life that you refuse to let go of?
c. How long will you see things pile up, but refuse to deal with it and clean it up?
d. Are you holding on to the idea of what you thought your marriage should be like, than you are accepting the person for who they are, and maybe learning how to enjoy what you have instead of a glorified idea of who you think they should be?
e. Are you a beautiful single woman who is holding onto the decorated idea of marriage instead of dealing with the facts of why you want to be married in the first place? What will it take to be a godly wife?
Typically, hoarders pile up old newspapers, food cartons, cans, mail, lists, notes, clothes, garbage and other debris. Hoarding usually begins slowly, but builds over time. As the mountain of items increases, making passage through hallways, bedrooms, bathrooms, garages and other living areas more treacherous, they C L U T T E R to a point of nearly no return. Have you reached a point of no return? Hoarders cannot, and will not, freely give up their possessions, however inconsequential they are, or how unsafe and unsanitary their environment has become.
Unsafe - involving or causing danger or risk; liable to hurt or harm; susceptible to attack
Unsanitary - tending to harbor or spread disease.usually in reference to an unclean or contaminated environment;
- a. Are you creating a safe environment for love, peace, and joy whether in your home or in your mind?
- b. Are you still talking about what happened?
- c. Are you creating a sanitary environment Or are you letting the clutter pile up that no one wants to deal with you?
- d. Are you always negative?
Beauties, if you D E C L U T T E R what's within you, your life will be beautiful from the inside out!
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