D E C L U T T E R Your Celebrations!
Hi, beauties! Hope all is well? I am so excited about all that the Lord is doing!
I was in Barnes & Nobles about a week before the release of my new workbook, D E C L U T T E R Your Life!
I decided to take myself out to lunch but first I wanted to pickup my favorite magazines from the bookstore. Earlier, that day I asked the Lord is this workbook really what you want me to do? I have done the class, I have written articles about it and I haven't hardly heard anything but mostly silence and I don't know what else to do? 'Lord, do you really want me to publish this workbook?'
I wish I could say this about one thing but I started to notice this in every area of
my life! Where I was hearing nothing but silence.
So, here I am at the check out counter and this lady walks up and the clerk says, 'how can I help you?' The lady said, 'I am looking for a book on how to Declutter Your Life' All, I could do was smile from ear to ear and praise God because someone was looking for what God had given me! This was such a clear confirmation. My prayer then became Lord send the women who are in need of what you have given me who will ask, seek, say, and invest in it. You see beauties, I felt like I was giving but nothing was coming back in return because the silence was speaking louder than knowing if what I was doing mattered. Do you feel like sometimes if what you do is going to make a difference? Do you feel like what you have to offer no one wants?
I came to tell you that someone is in need what you have to offer? I do not care if it is a client, a friend, or a man. You are worth receiving reciprocity! Meaning you deserve someone to encourage you, celebrate you, love you, to sow into your dreams, and much, much, more! To give you what you give them!
Don't allow the silence to drown out your purpose! The enemy wants you to stop! Celebrate Yourself!
Recently, I would text people that I know and invite them to celebrate what God was doing in my life. When it was their time I celebrated them like it was me! Sent gifts, etc. But now when its my time all I could hear was crickets!

So when something else happened for them I celebrated them again, maybe I am tripping, oh but wait, then I tried again to share and I still heard crickets.
So, I woke up to pray and after prayer I took out my cell phone and started to
I was sharing with my sweetheart. I said, 'baby I know that this is something that I need to do but it also hurts, he said, yea I know but it will be okay just stay focus.' I knew that hearing crickets was a sign that I am walking in purpose and maybe their season in my life had come to an end. You see beauties, don't get discouraged when they are silent because this is a sure sign that you are walking in purpose! Keep walking! Celebrate with people who will share in the celebration!
Beauties, since publishing this workbook.
I have SOLD OUT once and I am now restocking.
I have been presented with the opportunity to teach it at a Community College.
And God is opening up doors for more speaking engagements.
God is amazing.
I will share this and I am done. I have spoken at a conference before studied, prayed, took off work, did not get paid to come, and poured out my heart to their audience and the person who asked me to come when it was over never came to say thank you for coming! The women in the audience did.... Instead, the person who invited me, then asked for me to do more afterwards and I kindly declined. Why? Because this was a silent situation. Meaning there was no thank you but can you give me more! No reciprocity!
No one wants to feel as though they are laboring in vain. Beauties, I just want to encourage you don't give up because they don't respond because God has someone who will invest in YOU!
I am Beautifully Speaking,
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