Declutter Your Mornings
It's morning and yet you're almost late again. So much to do but so little time to do it. How often do we wake up with our minds racing about things to do, things that haven't been done, what was said, how you feel, bills, and much, much, more! Here lately I have been waking up, sometimes in a daze, and before I know it time has passed, not sure of what I want to put on, then I remember oh yea, I have to make a couple stops before getting to work! Now I am rushing when there was actually no need.
There have also been days where there is so much on my mind that I start off doing one thing, then my mind wanders to something else, then let me check my email for orders, let me do a post on social media, and the list goes on. So, I started many things just in this short period of time and yet I had not completed anything. Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Have you ever woke up angry, where you are fussing for no reason? Now, your house is in chaos where no one's day starts off good. Have you ever woke up sad, but not knowing why?
In my new book, 'Declutter Your Life,' I discuss how to create a peaceful morning where you have clarity, and the joy of having a beautiful day!
Challenge Yourself
1. Do not wake up at the time that you are to leave. Give yourself an 1 to 2 hours prior to the time for you to leave.
- when we rush and leave right at the time, we drive fast and for some this means road rage. (not a good way to start the day)
2. Create a peaceful atmosphere by starting your day with prayer and meditation.
- this is a good way to get centered and focused. Great time to commune with the Lord.
3. Drink your favorite morning beverage, while getting ready for work or day.
4. This one is the most challenging...DO NOT check or look at social media. Most often times this is the first thing that we check before we even get out of bed. Then, we scroll and before you know it our time has gotten away from us! Leave your phone on the charger and pretend its not there until you leave. Whatever, it is can wait. I am not speaking of emergencies but to see a post, a work email, etc.
I was sharing with my boyfriend over lunch how organized I use to be when my children were small. I would get up extremely early pray, get myself together, put on breakfast, then wake them up because my mission or goal was to create a peaceful atmosphere. What I learned is this: if you are a peaceful person then you will have a peaceful morning but if you are full of chaos, and confusion your house will be as well.
A wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1
I would love to hear from you, share some of your tips and we will share your tips with other women on how to declutter your morning.
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